In every language, verbs are very crucial for making good sentences. There is no language which has no usage of verbs in its grammar. The same applies to the Ga language. In the Ga language, we have two types of verbs. Those are the verbs with the "mɔ suffixes" and likewise those without the "mɔ suffixes." That aside, we have verbs that are very simple in nature and those that are complex. The complexity of verbs in the Ghana language is just like it is in German. Let us take German for example we have the separable affixes, which are inflected in sentence formations example ich kaufe Brot ein . The verb is einkaufen but in the sentence formartion, "kaufe" came before "ein." The same applies to the Dutch language. For example I am going out of the home , which translates as Ik ga het huis uit . The verb is uitgaan which has been inflected in the sentence formation. This same grammatical rule also ap...